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教育經(jīng)歷: Ph.D. Mathematics, June 2008, Sichuan University; M.S. Mathematics, July 2005, Henan Normal University; B.S. Mathematics, July 2002, Henan Normal University. 工作經(jīng)歷: Apr.2021--- Henan Normal University, Professor, Apr.2012--- Mar.2021 Henan Normal University, Associate Professor, Jan.2019--- Feb. 2019 Fukuoka University, visit scholar, Sept.2012--- Aug.2013, Washington University, visit scholar, Jun.2009 --- Jul.2009, Technische Universit?t Berlin, visiting scholar, Jun.2008 --- Jul.2008, Technische Universit?t Berlin, visiting scholar. | |||||
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Differential Geometry(微分幾何) | |||||
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主講本科生課程:《解析幾何 》,、《微分幾何》,、《高等數(shù)學》,; 主講研究生課程:《微分流形》,、《黎曼幾何》 | |||||
河南省優(yōu)秀碩士學位論文指導教師,;河南師范大學“三育人”先進個人,;河南師范大學工會積極分子,;河南師范大學優(yōu)秀實習指導教師;河南師范大學文明教師,;河南師范大學優(yōu)秀共產(chǎn)黨員,;河南師范大學優(yōu)秀教師;河南師范大學優(yōu)秀課例,。 | |||||
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3.On the global solutions of fourth order PDE in affine differential geometry, 2010.01-2010.12, 國家自然科學基金-天元基金(10926172),主持. | |||||
[1] On the stability of stationary surfaces in S^4_1, Differential Geom. Appl. 25?(2007),?no. 3, 258-265.(with Xingxiao Li)
[2] Bernstein properties for some relative parabolic affine hyperspheres, Results Math., 52(2008), 409-422.
[3] A rigidity theorem for an affine K?hler Ricci flat graph, Results Math., 56?(2009),?no. 1-4, 141–164.(with An-min Li)
[4] A cubic form differential inequality with applications to affine K?hler Ricci flat manifolds, Results Math., 54?(2009),?no. 3-4, 329–340. (with An-min Li)
[5] Affine Bernstein Problems and Monge-Ampère Equations, World Scientific Publishing House, Singapore, 2010.ISBN: 978-981-281-416-6. (with An-min Li, Udo Simon, Fang Jia)
[6] Notes to Chern’s conjecture on affine maximal surface, Results Math., 60 (2011), 133-155.(with An-min Li, Udo Simon, Fang Jia )
[7] Geometric modelling techniques for the solution of certain Monge-Ampère equations, Advances in geometric analysis, 21–44, Adv. Lect. Math. (ALM), 21, Int. Press, Somerville, MA, 2012. (with Udo Simon)
[8] Bernstein theorems for complete alpha-relative extremal hypersurfaces,,Ann. Global Anal. Geom., 43(2)2013, 143-152. (with Min Xiong, Li Sheng)
[9] On the rigidity theorems for Lagrangian translating solitons in pseudo-Euclidean space I, Acta Math. Sin (English series) , 29(7)2013, 1369-1380. (with Rongli Huang)
[10] On the rigidity theorems for Lagrangian translating solitons in pseudo- Euclidean space III, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 54(2015), 3337-3351. (with Lingyun Zhu)
[11] On the rigidity theorems for Lagrangian translating solitons in pseudo- Euclidean space II, Internat. J. Math., 26?(2015),?no. 9, 1550072, 10 pp.(with Rongli Huang)
[12] A simple proof of a rigidity theorem for an affine K?hler Ricci flat graph, Results Math., 70?(2016),?no. 1-2, 249–256.(with Lingyun Zhu)
[13] A rigidity theorem of alpha-relative parabolic hyperspheres, Manuscripta Math.,154 (2017), 503-512. (with Lingyun Zhu)
[14] Rigidity of complete spacelike translating solitons in pseudo-Euclidean space,J. Math. Anal. Appl.,477 (2019), 692–707. (with Tao Liu)
[15] Classification of Calabi hypersurfaces with parallel Fubini-Pick form,Differential Geom. Appl.,74 (2021), 101707, 16 pp. (with Miaoxin Lei)
[16] On the rigidity theorems for entire Lagrangian translating solitons in pseudo-Euclidean space IV, Results Math. , 76?(2021),?no. 2, Paper No. 59, 12 pp. (with Yadong Wu)
[17] A characterization of the Standard Tori in C^2 as compact Lagrangian \xi- submanifolds, Chinese Ann. Math., (Ser. B) 43?(2022),?no. 3, 473–484. (with Xingxiao Li)
[18] On the complete solutions to the Tchebychev affine K?hler equation and its geometric significance, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 514?(2022),?no. 2, Paper No. 126351, 18 pp. (with Xingxiao Li)
[19] Classification of isotropic Calabi hypersurfaces, Differential Geom. Appl., 85(2022), Paper No. 101954,18pp. (with Xiaoqian Liu, Miaoxin Lei)
[20] Classification of Calabi hypersurfaces in R^{n+1} with parallel Fubini-Pick form. arXiv: 2112.01947 (with Miaoxin Lei)