How to Produce Cultural Space for Sustainable Development TowardsRural Revitalization: A Case Study of China
Wang Hai Wang, Changcan Li, Kunpeng Ai
Abstract: Social Cultural revitalization is a key factor in the sustainable development of the countryside and is included in the five-dimensional indicators of China's rural revitalization strategy. Although established studies have examined the spatial dimension of rural cultural revitalization, the internal structure of spatial production and the logic of action are still not entirely clear. Based on an interview survey in villages in northern Henan, China, this paper conducts a qualitative study of the structured characteristics of rural cultural spatial production and the actor logic behind it using a grounded theory research method. The results show that the production of local cultural space, socio-cultural space, mass recreational space, and cultural industries space constitute a composite structured rural cultural space. Public power, intellectual elites, residents' rights and industrial capital have demonstrated a “co-constructive” cooperative relationship This paper provides a theoretical and empirical basis for promoting rural cultural revitalization and sustainable development through the production of rural cultural space.
Keywords: The rural cultural revitalization,space production,sustainable rural development
(政治與公共管理學院 李廣宇)