王芳,博士,,教授,,光學工程博士生導師。中國電子學會電子設計工程師考評員,。2003年獲大連理工大學測試計量技術及儀器專業(yè)工學碩士,2016年獲河南師范大學光學專業(yè)理學博士,。近五年來指導碩士研究生獲“國家獎學金” 4人,,多次被評為“河南師范大學優(yōu)秀教師”和“河南師范大學研究生科技創(chuàng)新優(yōu)秀指導教師”。2017年指導學生獲“第十五屆河南省挑戰(zhàn)杯全國大學生課外學術科技作品競賽”省級一等獎,,2014年獲“創(chuàng)青春河南省大學生創(chuàng)業(yè)大賽創(chuàng)業(yè)計劃競賽”省級優(yōu)秀指導教師金獎,。
1. 光電檢測及智能控制技術
2. 光纖傳感技術
1. 河南省科技廳重點科技攻關項目:光纖傳感衰蕩光譜技術測量抗生素殘留濃度系統(tǒng)(182102210367),201801-202112
2. 河南省科技廳重點科技攻關項目:可視輻射環(huán)境監(jiān)測儀(142102310276),,201401-201712
3. 河南省教育廳重點科技攻關項目:全光纖高精度便攜式旋光儀(14B510014),,201401-201712
1. Fang Wang, Heng Lu, Xu Wang, Yufang Liu*. Measurement of concentration and temperature using a fiber loop ring-down technique with core-offset structure. Optics Communications, 2018, 410: 13–16
2. Heng Lu, Xu Wang, Songling Zhang, Fang Wang, Yufang Liu*. A fiber-optic sensor based on no-core fiber and Faraday rotator mirror structure. Optics and Laser Technology, 2018, 101: 507–514
3. Fang Wang, Heng Lu, Yunpeng Li, Yufang Liu*. Combined Transmission Interference Spectrum of No Core Fiber and BP Neural Network for Concentration Sensing Research. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2017,26(2):267-275
4. Fang Wang, Hui-Jing Wei, Yu-Fang Liu*. A fiber link equipment for the optical rotation measuring based on AC-DC modulation magneto-optical effect. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2016, 247:254–258
5. Fang Wang, Han Zhu, Yunpeng Li, Huihui Zhao, Xu Wang, Yufang Liu*. Comparative study on a core-offset fiber temperature sensor between the faraday rotation mirror structure and the double coupling structure. Optics Communications, 2016, 367:286-291
6. Fang Wang, Ming-Yuan Wang, Feng-Shuo Tian, Yu-Fang Liu*. Study on two-dimensional distribution of X-ray image based on improved Elman algorithm. Radiation Measurements, 2015,77:1-4
7. WANG Fang, WANG Ming-Yuan, LIU Yu-Fang*, MA Chun-Wang. Obtaining low energy γ dose with CMOS sensors. Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2014,25(6):060401
1. 王芳,王旭,,劉玉芳等,,一種核輻射探測器,2016.8.24 中國ZL201210170501.5
2. 王芳,,王旭,,劉玉芳等,一種利用磁光光纖研究偏振光在衰蕩腔中傳播特性的方法,,2017.5.10 中國 ZL201510555257.8
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