English name of school | School website | Country/Region |
University of St Andrews | https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/ | England |
Bangor University | https://www.bangor.ac.uk/ | England |
Bruno Maderna Conservatory of Cesena | http://www.conservatoriomaderna-cesena.it | Italy |
University of Valencia | https://www.uv.es/ | Spain |
V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University | https://knu.ua/en/ | Ukraine |
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine | https://nubip.edu.ua/en | Ukraine |
нац?ональний траспортний ун?верситет Укра?ни | Null | Ukraine |
Hatyai University | https://www.hu.ac.th/ch/ | Thailand |
Malm? Universitet | https://mau.se/en/ | Sweden |
Vrije Universiteit Brussel | https://www.vub.be/en | Belgium |
Tōh(huán)oku University of Community Service and Science | https://www.koeki-u.ac.jp/ | Japan |
University of Toyama | https://www.u-toyama.ac.jp/ | Japan |
Kogakkan University | https://www.kogakkan-u.ac.jp/ | Japan |
Mie University | https://www.mie-u.ac.jp/ | Japan |
Yamagata Uuniversity | https://www.yamagata-u.ac.jp/ | Japan |
Juntendo University | https://www.juntendo.ac.jp/ | Japan |
Japan Women's University | https://www.jwu.ac.jp/ | Japan |
University of Minho | https://www.uminho.pt/EN | Portugal |
The University of Texas at Brownsville | Null | America |
University of Bridgeport | https://www.bridgeport.edu/ | America |
Plymouth State University | https://www.plymouth.edu/ | America |
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh | https://www.plymouth.edu/ | America |
Oregon State University | https://oregonstate.edu/ | America |
Plymouth State University | https://www.plymouth.edu/ | America |
Kansas State University | https://www.k-state.edu/ | America |
City University Malaysia | https://city.edu.my/ | Malaysia |
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | https://www.utm.my/ | Malaysia |
Royal Academy of Cambodia | https://www.rac.gov.kh/ | Cambodia |
University of Heng Samrin | http://www.uhst.edu.kh/ | Cambodia |
Jeju National University | https://www.jeju.ac.kr/en/index.htm | Korea |
Daegu Health College | http://www.dhc.ac.kr/ | Korea |
Daegu University | https://eng.daegu.ac.kr/main | Korea |
Daegu Haany University | https://www.dhu.ac.kr/foreign/index.htm | Korea |
Daejin University | https://www.daejin.ac.kr/daejin/index.do | Korea |
DongYang University | https://www.dyu.ac.kr/ | Korea |
Pusan National University | https://pusan.ac.kr/eng/Main.do | Korea |
Hanyang University | https://www.hanyang.ac.kr/web/eng | Korea |
Yeungnam University | https://www.yu.ac.kr/english/index.do | Korea |
Seoul National University of Education | https://en.snue.ac.kr/en/main.do | Korea |
Hyupsung University | https://www.uhs.ac.kr/sites/english/index.do | Korea |
Chung-Ang University | https://www.cau.ac.kr/index.do | Korea |
Woosuk University | https://english.woosuk.ac.kr/en/ | Korea |
Jeonbuk National University | https://www.jbnu.ac.kr/eng/ | Korea |
SHINHAN UNIVERSITY | https://en.shinhan.ac.kr/en/index.do | Korea |
University of Perpignan | https://www.univ-perp.fr/ | France |
Brest Business School | https://brest-bs.com/ | France |
Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III | https://www.univ-montp3.fr/ | France |
University of Angers | https://www.univ-angers.fr/en/index.html | France |
Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry | http://en.stroganov-academy.org/ | Russia |
Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts | https://kemgik.ru/ | Russia |
Samara University | https://samgtu.ru/foreign-english | Russia |
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences | https://www.frankfurt-university.de/en/ | Germany |
Belarusian State University of Physical Culture | http://en.sportedu.by/ | Republic of Belarus |
The Millennium Education | N/A | Pakistan |
University of Sargodha | https://su.edu.pk/ | Pakistan |
Griffith University | https://www.griffith.edu.au/ | Australia |