所有作者姓名 | 名稱 | 刊物論文集名稱 | 發(fā)表/出版日期 | 卷期頁(yè) |
袁培燕,劉尚旺,張恩 | Modellingepidemic routing with heterogeneous infection rate | InternationalJournal of High Performance Computing and Networking | 2017-05-18 | 10/3/218-225 |
袁培燕,于海(學(xué)) | ACombinational Buffer Management Scheme in Mobile OpportunisticNetwork | futureinternet | 2017-11-14 | 9(4)/82 |
竇育強(qiáng),劉秀敏(外),范海菊,李名 | Cryptanalysisof a DNA and chaos based image encryption algorithm | OPTIK | 2017-01-01 | 卷:145 頁(yè):456-464 |
劉棟,荊云(學(xué)),趙婧(學(xué)),王文俊(外),宋國(guó)杰(外) | AFast and Efficient Algorithm for Mining Top-k Nodes in ComplexNetworks | SCIENTIFICREPORTS | 2017-02-27 | 7/1-8 |
毛文濤,何建樑(學(xué)),李源,閆云聚(外) | Bearingfault diagnosis with auto-encoder extreme learning machine: Acomparative study | PROCEEDINGSOF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OFMECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE | 2017-04-01 | 231(8),1560-1578 |
袁培燕,吳紅海(外),趙曉焱,董正楠(學(xué)) | Percolation-theoreticbounds on the cache size of nodes in mobile opportunistic networks | SCIENTIFICREPORTS | 2017-07-18 | 7/5562 |
范黎林,董正南(學(xué)),袁培燕 | TheCapacity of Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying CellularNetworks With Relay Links | IEEEACCESS | 2017-08-19 | 2017, PP (99) :1-1 |
劉國(guó)奇,李海鋒 | ATopology Preserving Method of Evolving Contours Based on SparsityConstraintfor Object Segmentation | IEEEACCESS | 2017-10-12 | 5/19971-19982 |
毛文濤,王金婉(學(xué)),薛占熬 | AnELM-based model with sparse-weighting strategy for sequential dataimbalance problem | INTERNATIONALJOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING AND CYBERNETICS | 2017-08-10 | 8(4),1333-1345 |
毛文濤,王金婉(學(xué)),何玲(學(xué)),田楊陽(yáng)(學(xué)) | OnlineSequential Prediction of Imbalance Data with Two-Stage HybridStrategy by Extreme Learning Machine | NEUROCOMPUTING | 2017-10-25 | 261,94-105 |
毛文濤,蔣夢(mèng)雪(學(xué)),王金婉(學(xué)),李源 | Onlineextreme learning machine with hybrid sampling strategy forsequential imbalanced data | COGNITIVECOMPUTATION | 2017-12-10 | 9(6),780-800 |
申俊麗,alatancang(外) | ANote on the Property (gaR) and Perturbations | UKRAINIANMATHEMATICAL JOURNAL | 2017-12-01 | 卷:69 期:7 頁(yè):1132-1143 |
王偉,孫林,張仕光 | Analysisand prediction of single-stranded and double-stranded DNA bindingproteins based on protein sequences | BMCBIOINFORMATICS | 2017-06-12 | 18(1):300. |
王鮮芳,王俊美(學(xué)),張悅(學(xué)),王曉雷(學(xué)) | Predictingthe Types of Ion Channel-Targeted Conotoxins Based on AVC-SVMModel | BIOMEDRESEARCH INTERNATIONAL | 2017-01-01 | |
王鮮芳,張悅(學(xué)),王俊美(學(xué)) | Predictionof Protein Structural Class Based on ReliefF-SVM | LETTERSIN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY | 2017-01-01 | 卷:14 期:9 頁(yè):696-702 |
馮森,徐久誠(chéng),徐天賀 | Anefficient gene selection technique based on Self-organizing Mapand Particle Swarm Optimization | JOURNALOF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS | 2017-01-01 | 卷:33 期:6 頁(yè):3287-3294 |
薛占熬,司小朦(學(xué)),薛天宇(學(xué)),辛現(xiàn)偉(學(xué)),袁藝林(學(xué)) | Multi-granulationcovering rough intuitionistic fuzzy sets | JOURNALOF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS | 2017-01-01 | 卷:32 期:1 頁(yè):899-911 |
袁培燕,王威(學(xué)),宋明陽(yáng)(學(xué)) | Tiesin Overlapping Community Structures: Strong or Weak? | IEEEACCESS | 2017-06-01 | 5/10012-10016 |
袁培燕,宋明陽(yáng)(學(xué)),趙曉焱 | Effectiveand efficient collection of control messages for opportunisticrouting algorithms | JOURNALOF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS | 2017-11-15 | 98/125-130 |
劉國(guó)奇 | RobustEdge-Based Model with Sparsity Representation for ObjectSegmentation | ICONIP2017 | 2017-10-12 | |
劉國(guó)奇 | ActiveContours Driven by Saliency Detection for Image Segmentation | ICONIP2017 | 2017-10-12 | |
劉國(guó)奇,李海鋒 | Regularizedlevel set for inhomogeneity segmentation | FSDM2016 | 2017-12-13 | |
張非 | Improvementof Pearson Similarity Coefficient Based on Item Frequency | ICMLC&ICWAPR | 2017-07-13 |