應我院邀請,愛丁堡大學楊云杰博士(博導)于11月11日下午16:00點在騰訊會議平臺上作了題為《Flexible tomography for robotics perception》的專題學術講座,。我院負責人,、師生代表100余人參加講座。講座由副院長王萌主持,。
(文 徐世周)
Yunjie Yang is the Lecturer (Assistant Professor) and Ph.Dsupervisor in Data Driven Innovation at the School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh (UoE), UK. He received his B.Eng.,M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees fromAnhuiUniversity, Tsinghua University, and The University of Edinburgh. He briefly worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Chemical Species Tomography at UoE and then was appointed as the Lecturer and Chancellor's Fellow in Data Driven Innovation, where he established and led the SMART research group. His research interests are in the areas of sensing and imaging for medical, robotics, and energy engineering, and machine learning in inverseproblems. His research has led to over 90 high-impact journal and conference publications and hasbeen funded by EU H2020, Data Driven Innovation Program, Wellcome Trust, and multiple industry funders. He serves as the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Access, Frontiers in Electornics, and the Guest Editor of IEEE Sensors Journal and Chemosensors. He is the recipient of the 2015 IEEE I&M Society Graduate Fellowship Award and several best paper/poster awards.